First aid training is the best investment you can make in your company. Many organizations have suffered from various occupational accidents, this could not have been so if employees had valuable knowledge and skills in first aid. Many lives have been lost due to lack or poor administration of first aid. Our training utilizes practical approaches which promotes retention of the learnt knowledge and skills. This is reinforced through use of appropriate training resources and methodology.
Objectives of this training:
The purpose of this basic first aid training is to give participants skills, knowledge and expertise that will enable them to offer first aid in order to save lives.
Our training is designed in accordance with The Occupational Safety and Health Act, 2007 (OSHA) and First Aid Rules LN 160/1977. This is a skill based training that takes a ration of theory to practical of 3:7. These include classroom presentations, exercises, discussions, videos and practical first aid simulations of common health case that require first aid.
Outcome of this training:
Upon completion of this course participants will be able to:
a. Conduct first aid on bleeding and treatment of minor injuries.
b. Conduct first aid on amputed finger, hand, arm, toes and leg.
c. Conduct first aid on fractures.
d. Conduct first aid on eye injuries.
e. Conduct first aid on ear injuries.
f. Conduct first aid on burns and scald.
g. Conduct first aid on unconscious person.
h. Conduct CPR.
i. Conduct first aid on people with special problem.
j. Conduct first aid on ingestion of toxic or corrosive substance.
k. Conduct lifting and carrying of patients.
l. Understand precaution to take against contracting HIV/AIDS.
m. Conduct first aid on person in shock.
n. Conduct first aid on person bitten by animals and insects.
o. Conduct emergency preparedness and response.